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    Believe it or not, a 100-character message can actually say a lot. For example “The House is on Fire” can be said in only 20 characters. So imagine what you can get across with 5 times that much space. Make sure your message is intriguing, so people will be tempted to click your link. Use benefits whenever possible – what will the reader learn if he or she decides to click through? Consider your typical audience. While your Twitter followers (those who read your tweets) can be from any industry and/or any walk of life, if you’re using Twitter for small business marketing, chances are you are trying to reach a particular audience. What does your target audience want to hear? What would they be interested in? Make sure your tweet is interesting and pertinent. If you can tie your message into current events some how, you’re almost guaranteed to get an increased number of click-throughs. For instance, when promoting a young entrepreneurs business plan competition for a client recently, we created posts such as “Tired of hearing about Lindsay Lohan? Look what these young adult are doing: link-to-web-page” and “Think the economy is bad? This kids are taking matters into their own hands: link-to-web-page”. Twitter is an excellent tool to add to your small business marketing toolkit. The key to using it effectively is creating tweets that are brief, benefits-laden, and as current. Before incorporating Twitter into your own small business marketing plan, why not spend a few hours on the site and take a look at what others are doing? Then be sure to model the best of the best.|Hyperlink management is critical to website functionality because a site with dead links is not fully operable for the end user. In educational institutions, links used for marketing, course materials, library resources, social media, and other uses can be laborious to maintain in a consistent fashion. Often links are long and unreadable. In order to streamline link maintenance and improve readability for end users, an open source short link manager called YOURLS was implemented at an academic library. With YOURLS, URL updates for existing resources can be done in one place, negating the need to update all instances of a URL on different platforms. Short links are easier for the user to remember and can be used and tracked through various forms of promotion on social media, email, and printed material. This workshop demonstrates how to implement a short link domain and server, as well as the benefits of this service.

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